Working with After Effects and Blender 4.0

<aside> 💡 Remember:


If you do not aim for photorealistic result and don want spend time in postproces, here is quick way how to export to exr exactly what you see in blender render


If you are hungry for more information, here it is:

Blender 4.0 uses AgX color space as View Transform by default - however, its just View transform - data are rendered in Linear Rec.709 color space. For detail information dive deep into Blender’s manual: link for blender doc

Color Management - Blender 4.1 Manual

<aside> 💡 For correct results, different Color Spaces are needed for rendering, display and storage of images. Rendering and compositing is best done in scene linear color space, which corresponds more closely to nature, and makes computations more physically accurate.

PNG or JPEG will store colors in a color space ready for display, not in a linear space.



Here is workflow for Blender Default settings:

You dont change any settings in Blender - all magic is done in After Effects. (heres blenders default settings)

